How To Prevent Heartburn

Jaime Allen

If you find yourself suffering from heartburn, relief is probably the only thing on your mind. Heartburn can make you feel uncomfortable. Making it impossible for you to eat your food in a normal way. If you are currently experiencing severe heartburn, it's best to consult a doctor. 

However, after you have been to the doctor and sought treatment for this condition. You need to know some of the steps you can take to prevent or stop heartburn from beginning in the first place. Here's a look at some of the things you can do to prevent heartburn.

Identify What Causes Heartburn 

Keeping a journal of the foods that you notice trigger heartburn is beneficial for you. Every time you eat something make a note of how it makes you feel. This is a simple and effective way of identifying what causes heartburn in the first place.

If you do this over time you will begin to notice specific triggers. You will then be able to avoid specific types of food that prevent heartburn from returning.

Slow Down 

An easy way to prevent heartburn is to choose smaller portion sizes. When you have a large amount of food or water in your stomach, you will have a lot of work to do. 

Also, there is a valve that will keep your stomach acid out of your esophagus. By eating less you are making it less likely that the stomach acid will bypass the valve and cause a heartburn. 

Try eating smaller portions over a longer period, instead of eating huge portions at once or eating too quickly. Take the time to chew your food thoroughly as well, since this can help to prevent heartburn.

Choose Eating Times Wisely

The time of day that you eat is also very important. If you want to prevent heartburn it is best to avoid eating late at night. You want to make sure that your stomach is as empty as possible before you go to bed. 

Try not to exercise too soon after you have eaten. Wait a few hours, because all that activity can trigger an upset stomach if your food is not properly digested.

Heartburn is one of the most uncomfortable conditions you can have. It makes it difficult to function normally. It also makes it hard for you to enjoy your favorite foods. Once you have identified the cause of your heartburn, you should try to prevent it as much as possible by using the tips that have been discussed here.

For more info, contact a company like Gastro Health

