When Should You Visit A Medical Clinic For A Sore Throat?

Jaime Allen

Are you suffering from a sore throat? This uncomfortable symptom can be a sign of quite a few illnesses. And, in some cases, a sore throat should not be disregarded.

There is always a chance that an achy, raw throat can be nothing more than a bit of bronchial irritation that will soon pass. on its own. However, there are also situations when a sore throat should spur a visit to a medical clinic for a physician's evaluation. Check out a few signs that should tell you that your sore throat requires some level of medical care. 

The Sore Throat Has Persisted for Several Days 

In the event of general bronchial irritation, most issues with a sore throat will simply pass within a few days. You likely won't experience any additional symptoms and you can go on about your usual activities with just a bit of discomfort. However, if your sore throat issue persists for several days, it is best to visit a medical clinic for an assessment. 

The Sore Throat Is Accompanied by Fever 

Any time you are running a fever and you have a sore throat, visiting a doctor is recommended. A lot of viral illnesses can cause both symptoms to occur concurrently, such as: 

  • Flu
  • COVID-19
  • Measles 
  • Common colds 

Bacterial infections can also cause sore throat and fever. For example, you may have a sore throat accompanied by a fever if you have strep throat. In any case, your situation should be evaluated at a medical clinic to get a proper diagnosis and the right level of treatment. 

The Sore Throat Interferes with Breathing or Sleeping 

When your throat hurts and you are also dealing with trouble breathing, you definitely need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Difficulty breathing could mean that your throat is swelling to the point that it is blocking your airway. These symptoms may be a sign of anaphylaxis, which is an emergency allergic reaction that should be treated right away.  

The Sore Throat Is Accompanied by Facial or Neck Swelling 

Swelling of the neck or face with a sore throat should never be ignored. These symptoms combined can mean you have a dental abscess (a dental infection) that needs antibiotic treatment. However, swelling of the face or neck and achy throat can also be characteristics of illnesses like mumps or tonsillitis, both of which require medical attention to treat the condition.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact a physician's clinic in your area.

