Top Things You Should Know About Being A "Downwinder"

Jaime Allen

If you are sick because of exposure to radiation, then you might have heard someone -- such as your doctor or another member of your healthcare team -- refer to you as a "downwinder." You might wonder what this term means. Also, as someone who might be concerned about your health and the things that you're going through, you might want to learn as much as possible about downwinders. Your healthcare professional should be able to provide you with excellent advice and care, but you might feel at least a bit more informed after reading the information before.

You Might Have a Certain Type of Cancer

Typically, downwinders are individuals who have cancer that is suspected to have been caused by their exposure to radiation. Not all types of cancers qualify, but there are several different types of cancer on the list, including breast cancer, brain cancer, bladder cancer, and more.

Your Illness May Have Been Caused By the Government's Actions

If you are considered a downwinder, it is probably because your illness is suspected to have been caused by the government's actions. There are others who have gotten sick because of the government's actions, too, such as those who worked in uranium mining or atomic weapons testing for the government. However, downwinders are typically those who did not actually work for the government but who lived or worked in a location downwind from where atomic weapons testing was being done.

You Could Be Entitled to Compensation

You might be entitled to compensation from the government if you are a downwinder. You will need to provide proof that you are, in fact, a downwinder, such as by providing proof that you lived in the area at the time and providing proof that you have, in fact, been diagnosed with cancer. A lawyer can help you with doing all of this, and your doctor should be able to provide you with much of the documentation that you need.

It's Important to Get the Right Healthcare

As someone who is suffering from cancer or another serious illness due to being a downwinder, it is important to do everything that you can to preserve your health. Seeing a doctor and other healthcare professionals who have specific experience with taking care of downwinders with a similar condition to your own is important. The sooner that you seek treatment, the more of a chance there is that you can have a full recovery. A place like Downwinders (a subsidiary of National Cancer Benefits Center) has more information.

