Why A Pregnant Woman Of Color Might Want To Seek Out A Black Doula

Jaime Allen

Becoming pregnant is a wonderful blessing, and you are likely excited about the journey to come, regardless of the color of your skin. But it is known and also backed by research from the CDC that expectant mothers who are black or women of color may face greater risks during pregnancy or childbirth. It is for this reason that you might want to look into providing your future child and yourself some additional support during the pregnancy or during the childbirth process. Here's why you might want to hire a doula or specifically seek out a black doula to assist you with your pregnancy.

Someone Who Makes You Their Top Priority at All Times

Perhaps you have a partner who will be at your side throughout the pregnancy. Perhaps you are going to be a single mother. Either way, a doula can provide some much-needed support to your existing circle of assistance, no matter what that looks like. Even if you do have a partner or other assistance, those people may need to go off to work or deal with other responsibilities beyond just helping you. A doula's main job is to be focused on you and your needs during the time they are with you. Having this level of intense support available to you whenever you need it can ease your emotions and make you more comfortable as you move forward with the pregnancy and towards childbirth.

Another Woman May Better Understand What You Are Going Through, and a Woman of Color Even More So

Even if you have a partner who is very supportive, a male partner may not truly understand what you are going through as a woman, no matter how many books they read or the number of videos they watch online. A doula is someone who has likely received professional training on how to assist pregnant women before and during childbirth, but there will also be a feeling of kinship to have another woman at your side as you go through this process. If you are a woman of color, having a black woman by your side may boost these feelings of kinship even further, helping to put your mind even more at ease.

Someone to Stand Up and Serve as an Advocate for You If Necessary

Do you sometimes feel, as a person of color, that it is harder for you to get the support you need or to make people listen to you when you talk? Regardless of your personal background or income level, you deserve the same high standard of treatment and care from your doctors as anyone else. There may come a time, though, when you feel that you need to speak up to your doctors, nurses, or the hospital about your birth plan or something else. A doula is also someone who can act as an advocate as needed so you don't have to.

For more information, contact a local black doula service, such as Dignity Doula Services.

