Why You Should Get Treatment For A Hammer Toe ASAP

Jaime Allen

Hammer toes might not seem like the most dangerous medical condition in the world, but if left alone they can become very painful and frustrating problems for those who suffer from them. There are many causes for hammer toe, from genetic predispositions to the continuous use of small or tight shoes, but the main problem is how you fix them. Here are a few reasons why hammer toe treatment is so important and why you should never put it off, as you could develop serious problems if you do. 

Milder Treatment Is Much Easier

There are several levels of treatment when it comes to hammer toe. At the very far end of the spectrum, you have surgery that can either restore the toe to the best of the surgeon's ability or remove it if it is causing too much pain or pressure. However, mild hammer toe treatment is not anywhere close to this severe. Most of the time mild to moderate hammer toes can be adjusted through the use of simple prosthetics that you add to your shoe which make it more comfortable for your feet. That, combined with pain medication to manage the transition, and perhaps some gentle massages and exercises are all you need.

As You Get Older It Gets Harder

Hammer toe can occur at any age but it primarily affects older American's who have had time to build up this condition. The problem then often becomes two-fold, because many Americans end up developing arthritis as well, which makes their hammer toe all the more uncomfortable. To prevent this you need to get treated for the condition as young as possible so that the development of arthritis or bunions does not further complicate the matter. Hammer toe becomes more painful the more surrounding conditions appear, and this is definitely related to age.

Sign Of Underlying Issue

Sometimes hammer toe is just the physical manifestation of underlying issues that can be just as painful. Getting hammer toe treatment will lead to the discovery of these problems and, hopefully, allow you to cure them as well so you are more comfortable in the long run. For example, someone with high arches can apply more pressure on their toes which causes hammer toe. Or, perhaps the ligaments holding your toe in proper position are shorter or more strained than they should be, which can also cause hammer toe. These are conditions that go further than just hammer toe and can be corrected, but often the first step is the treatment of the symptoms (of which hammer toe is a key one).

For more information contact a company like Ankle & Foot Specialists of Puget Sound.

