How Psychiatrists Help Manage New Water Phobias In Sailors

Jaime Allen

Being a sailor can be a challenge for many people, as it requires them to be away from home for long periods and may also require a lot of physical and emotional strength. And sailors who suddenly develop a phobia of water may find their career path impossible to pursue. Thankfully, a high-quality psychiatrist can help give them the assistance needed to avoid serious career repercussions.

Phobias Can Develop at Any Time

The development of phobias is something of a mystery to many people because they may seem to appear out of nowhere. There are typically three potential theories as to why they develop, such as a psychological reaction to a danger, a learned behavior, and a biological trigger. Whatever the causes of a late-developed phobia, they can be very difficult to handle and may cause big changes in a person's life.

For example, a sailor who suddenly fears getting on a boat due to a phobia of the water may find themselves unable to progress, trapped in their job, and may be forced to stay onshore. Unfortunately, phobias often have a cyclical nature that reinforces itself, meaning it may be necessary to reach out to someone who can help.

How a Psychiatrist Can Help

Those who believe that they have developed a phobia later in life may want to consider a high-quality psychiatrist as a way of figuring out why this happened and what they can do about it. A great psychiatrist will break down the different reasons why a person may end up becoming scared of something new and the different ways that they can provide treatment for this problem.

For instance, they may identify a traumatic instance in a person's life that may have triggered a phobia, such as a near-drowning incident causing an individual to be afraid of water. Or they may find deep-rooted issues that a person has tried to hide and can help bring them to the surface, giving that person a new lease on life and one that is free of the dangers of excessive phobic fears.

Thankfully, a good psychiatrist can also provide other types of treatments that may help a person who is suffering from phobias or other mental health troubles. For instance, those who have a paranoid fear of certain people, one that is triggered by unexpected and unhealthy obsessions, may find that a psychiatrist can help them identify these issues and walk away from them for good. Contact a psychiatrist for more information.

