Did You Know You Can Ask Your Pharmacist These Questions?

Jaime Allen

Most people think of pharmacists purely as the people who dispense their medications. But pharmacists are actually a wealth of knowledge. They are experts in medication, and they can answer a lot of questions that you may typically assume you'd have to ask your doctor. It's often a lot easier to stop into the drugstore and ask a pharmacist a few questions than it is to make an appointment with your doctor. Here are some questions that a pharmacist can answer.

What OTC medications can you take for certain symptoms?

Pharmacists do not only know about prescription medications. They are also very well informed about medications that are sold over the counter. If you're dealing with any minor symptoms, like a stuffy nose, occasional nausea, or occasional insomnia, visit a pharmacist and ask them for some recommendations. They will point you towards the medications that are likely to work best for you based on your age, symptoms, and brief health history. If they think your symptoms are too serious to be managed with OTC meds, they'll advise you to see your doctor.

Are the issues you're experiencing side effects?

If you are already taking a certain medication, whether it's an over-the-counter medication or a prescription medication, you should talk to your pharmacist about any new symptoms you're experiencing. These symptoms may actually be side effects of your medication. Pharmacists are very knowledgeable about the various side effects each medication might cause. If they do think your symptoms are side effects, they can give you tips to help manage them. For instance, they might tell you to take the medication a little earlier in the day, take it with food, or take a slightly smaller dose. 

What medications can you safely take alongside your prescriptions?

Not all medications mix well together. If you are taking a prescription, you should ask your pharmacist before also taking any OTC medication or even an herbal supplement as some herbs can react negatively with your medications. Your pharmacist may recommend against taking one medication but point you towards another that is safer to combine with the meds you're currently on.

It's never a bad idea to ask your pharmacist questions. In most cases, they'll be able to give you an answer and potentially save you a trip to your doctor's office. If your pharmacist feels a question is better suited to your doctor, they'll tell you so.

