Sprain Versus Strain: 2 Common Sport's Injuries

Jaime Allen

Sports and other physical activities are a key part of many people's lives. Although enjoyable, these activities can increase your risk of injury. Fortunately, help is available if you are dealing with an injury after enjoying a favorite sport of physical activity. This guide will help you understand and treat a few common sport's injuries.


A sprain is one of the most common injuries, but you do not have to play sports to develop one. Basically, you can sprain an ankle, for instance, by walking down the stairs or getting in and out of bed, since the injury stems from a sudden and abnormal twisting of a ligament. In most cases of sprains, the ankle joint and connecting ligaments are affected.

Even though they are so common, most people do not know how to treat an ankle sprain. To get started, you should have it evaluated by a doctor to ensure the ligaments are sprained and not torn completely. If torn, surgery may be required for repair.

Resting the ankle for the first 24 to 48 hours is crucial. You should also ice the ankle, wrap it in compression bandages, and elevate the ankle periodically. Remember R.I.C.E when treating an ankle sprain because it helps you understand the importance of resting, icing, compressing, and elevating the ankle to reduce pain and swelling, ensuring a more efficient recovery.


If you are like most people, you will confuse sprains with strains, but they are very different injuries. While a sprain stretches and even tears a ligament and connecting tissue, a strain stretches a muscle beyond its normal capacity. Although possible, most muscles will not tear completely, fortunately.

If you have strained a muscle while playing a sport or engaging in another physical activity, visit a doctor immediately. Various tests will be used to determine the extend of the strain and if more involved treatment will be necessary. In most cases, rest will be recommended, reducing any further movement of the affected muscle so it can heal and recover with ease.

To manage any pain or discomfort, your doctor will suggest ibuprofen, either available through prescription or over the counter. Ice can also be beneficial for easing swelling and numbing your pain.

If you have experienced a sprain or a strain, relief is possible. This guide and your orthopedic doctor will help you understand, diagnose, and treat sprains and strains related to sport's injuries.

