How To Return To Basketball After Meniscus Surgery

Jaime Allen

An injury can be a serious game changer in basketball. You must have the ability to twist and move your body in different directions to make plays. This sport is physically grueling on your body. If you try to play with an injury, then you are going to have limitations and it could make your injuries worse. Read on to find out how to return to basketball after meniscus surgery:

What Is A Meniscus Tear?

The meniscus is a rubbery, C-shaped disc that provides some cushion to your knee. It keeps your knee steady by balancing your weight across the joint. A meniscus tear occurs from sudden turning and twisting. You usually do not have your feet planted while your knees are bent.

This injury is very common in sports and jobs that require heavy lifting. As you get older, your meniscus tends to wear out, which makes it easy to tear. If you have a torn meniscus, then it can stop your knee from functioning correctly.

Surgery To Repair Large Meniscus Tear

If you have a large meniscus tear, then you are going to need surgery. This surgery can be done through an open operation or arthroscopically. It is done to repair or put your meniscus back together. The type of surgery depends on the location of your tear.

Start Physical Therapy After Surgery

Your surgeon may want you to keep your knee immobilized for the first two weeks after surgery. After this period, you can start physical therapy. You are still going to be limited, which means no strenuous exercises.

Recovery should start before surgery. You want your leg to be strong and flexible before going through this procedure. This means going through rehab before surgery, which will make your recovery easier.     

Your doctor will develop a rehabilitation plan to help you get ready to compete. Recovery is determined by several things. The time it takes to recover depends on the type of tear. It also depends on if the torn pieces were removed or whether the procedure was a meniscus repair.

Some people have problems playing basketball after surgery because of complaining about pain. If you are still feeling pain, then you need to continue with physical therapy. It is important to follow the instructions of your surgeon before surgery and after surgery. You want to prevent anything like swelling that may delay your recovery. It helps to address any concerns with your physical therapist.

Contact a medical center like Dr. Carr Integrative Physical Therapy for more information and assistance. 

