Five Big Reasons Why It's Important To Schedule Regular Appointments With The Optometrist

Jaime Allen

A lot of people are more inclined to keep up on doctor's appointments than they are to schedule recommended appointments with the optometrist. However, regularly seeing an eye doctor as often advised as it is not only important for your vision but for your health as well.

The following are five big reasons why it's important to keep up on eye doctor visits:

Your health is optimized through early detection of conditions of the eyes.

There are certain diseases that affect the eye that become worse the later they are detected. For example, melanoma of the eye, glaucoma, and cataracts all have a better prognosis if they are detected early.

When you're going to the eye doctor annually or more frequently, you can be sure that diseases of the eye won't have a lot of time to develop and worsen before they are discovered and treated.

Conditions that cause irreparable vision loss can be detected as early as possible.

Some eye diseases will progressively damage the vision and can result in blindness if they are detected too late.

Glaucoma and cataracts detract from a patient's ability to see the longer they progress without treatment. Also, patients with diabetes or high blood pressure need to have their eyes checked regularly because these conditions can damage the retina and weaken the patient's vision.

Your quality of life is improved by always having good eyesight.

Over time, the prescription on your glasses and contact lenses will become less and less effective as your eyes change.

With regular eye doctor appointments, you can be sure that your eyesight will always be as sharp as possible. This will make it easier for you to perform to the best of your ability at school and at work. 

You can take advantage of your insurance to pay for new eyewear.

If you have eye coverage, you should take advantage of it by scheduling all the appointments and services that are covered under your plan. Insurance typically covers a free pair of eyewear on an annual basis, and you'll forego this benefit if you neglect to schedule an appointment. 

Conditions in young children can be corrected before they worsen or become permanent.

Seeing the eye doctor is especially important for young patients. Conditions such as amblyopia or strabismus typically appear early in childhood and need to be treated as soon as possible so that they don't worsen and detract from a young patient's quality of life. 

