Top 4 All-Natural Pain Management Techniques To Try Before Resorting To Meds

Jaime Allen

While medications are useful and necessary at times, it is always a great idea to try all-natural pain management techniques first. This is especially true if you're suffering from everyday aches and pains that are not associated with a serious illness, such as diabetes. 

Breathing Exercises

There's a reason that women practice breathing techniques when it labor. Proper breathing helps a person deal with pain by reducing anxiety and tension within the body. You're also shifting your focus on the exercise instead of on the pain. Those who enjoy physical exercises should consider joining a Pilates class. This form of exercise centers around proper breathing and becoming more in tune with your body.

Relaxation Techniques

Just like the breathing exercises, relaxation techniques will assist you in becoming more comfortable. In addition to relieving your pain, relaxation methods are known to reduce stress and help you fall asleep faster, which is much needed after a long work day that had you standing on your feet for hours. A family physician or local psychologist can give you a list of relaxation techniques to implement into your pain management routine, or you can watch a few videos or listen to a few CDs that have easy-to-follow instructions.

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies also work to manage your pain and can be used along with the other techniques. The type of herbal remedy you choose will depend on the ailment you are currently suffering from. For example, clove oil works wonders at relieving toothaches. You'll especially need this oil if your dentist can't squeeze you in right away. There's also capsaicin for treating pain that comes from within the nervous system, ginger or turmeric for pain that is caused by inflammation in the body, and kava kava for alleviating pain that is the result of a tension headache. 

Massage Therapy

Another form of all natural pain management is massage therapy. Massage therapy works to decrease pain as it increases circulation throughout the body when pressure is applied to the body's soft tissues. In fact, the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) reports that massage therapy has been found to lessen leg pain in pregnant women, alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, and reduce the discomfort that comes from joint stiffness. One can make an appointment at a salon that features massage therapy treatments, or arrange to have a therapist come directly to their home. 

For more pain management options and ideas, talk with your doctor. 

