Is Oil Pulling Actually Helpful?

Jaime Allen

Many natural health aficionados swear by the benefits of oil pulling in keeping teeth healthy. Some even go so far as to suggest it for reversing cavities or gum disease. However, you might be wondering whether or not it can actually help you. This guide will explain what oil pulling can and can't do, and will help you to determine whether you should integrate it into your oral hygiene practices or not.

Antibacterial Properties

One of the main reasons natural health care fans state that oil pulling is a good thing is because some oils have antibacterial properties. This is actually true; for example, olive oil has antibacterial properties and has been shown to help reduce the development of plaque on teeth. In addition, olive oil did a better job of reducing levels of bacteria in the mouth than when patients used a traditional mouthwash.

The Truth About Cavities and Gum Disease

While olive oil does have antibacterial properties that can be beneficial to your tooth, the claim that it can help to rebuild decayed teeth is a myth. Once your teeth have decayed, there's no way to restore the bone that has been lost. This is why dentists rely upon fillings and crowns to replace damaged or lost bone in teeth.

However, it is possible that olive oil could help you to reverse minor gum disease. While gum disease is still in the gingivitis stage, it's possible for you to still turn it around and achieve healthy gums at home. However, if you have a more advanced form of gum disease, like periodontitis, you'll need to see a dentist to restore your gums to a healthy state.

Include, But Don't Skip Other Steps

The bottom line is, there's no harm in using olive oil to do oil pulling, and it may actually be able to help you to keep your plaque build-up to a minimum. The antibacterial properties may also help to prevent or reverse mild gum disease.

However, never skip other classic oral hygiene steps like flossing and brushing in favor of oil pulling. It's a good addition to what you're already doing, but it isn't a replacement for these classic methods of keeping your mouth healthy.

Oil pulling does have some benefits if you use an antibacterial oil like olive oil. Ask a dentist like Pike Lake Dental Center if oil pulling is right for you, and remember to continue caring for your teeth and seeing a dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.

