Be Kind To Your Partner By Putting A Stop To That Awful Snoring

Jaime Allen

Actually, you will sleep more peacefully, too, when the cause of your snoring is removed. The sound you make while you sleep is your body trying to get enough oxygen into it. Obstacles in your airway restrict the flow of air and often vibrate, making a sound as they do. A visit to an ear nose and throat doctor will pinpoint the problem area. Here are some of the reasons why you snore and how to get rid of the irritating noise.

The Source of the Sound

If your body is not getting enough air as you sleep, your breathing becomes deeper. Swollen tissues and deformed airways can prevent you from getting enough air. Soft tissues blocking the airflow may begin to vibrate as you try to force more air into your lungs.  Some of the areas most likely to cause noise as you breath include:

  • the tissue in the roof of your mouth (soft palate), if it is thicker than normal or extends out into your throat
  • the small piece of tissue that hangs down at the back of your throat (the uvula)
  • swollen passageways in the nose due to a cold or allergies
  • deformed cartilage in the nose that partially blocks the airway

Treatments for Snoring

Once your doctor identifies the cause of your snoring, they may offer a number of treatment options. They can range from drug store devices to surgery. Your doctor will have you start with the less invasive treatments first. If they fail to give you enough relief, one of the surgical options may be needed to permanently control your snoring.

  • Nasal strips - These are available over-the-counter at your local drug store. They stick onto the outside of the nose and hold your nostrils open. This increases the opening in your nose for more air to enter, but does not address any issues in your mouth or throat.
  • Oral appliance - This device is worn in the mouth to prevent the soft palate from vibrating as you sleep. They also hold your mouth open slightly for more air to get in. Over-the-counter devices are available, but your doctor can prescribe a custom device that is more comfortable to wear as you sleep.
  • Nasal surgery - Rhinoplasty is the reconstruction of the cartilage in your nose so you have a clearer airway.
  • Oral surgery - Part of your soft palate can be removed, as well as the uvula, if they are the cause of the vibration and noise.

