3 Tips For Avoiding Germs When Taking Your Child To A Children's Clinic

Jaime Allen

When you take your child into the children's clinic for a wellness checkup or a flu shot, the last thing that you want is for them to get sick. However, because many sick children are going to be in the clinic being seen for a variety of reasons, it is important that you avoid germs at all costs. Below are 3 excellent tips that will help both you and your child to avoid germs while you are at the children's clinic

Sit In The Well Child Area

Many children's clinics today have an area known as the well child area. This is a location within the clinic where only the children who aren't sick are allowed to sit. Sometimes this is in an entirely different room, and other times it is simply part of the regular waiting area that is closed off. It helps to keep the sick germs in the sick area and decreases the chances of your child getting sick. However, keep in mind that there are still germs, and you'll want to use caution. 

Use The Hand Sanitizer Provided

When you first check your child in at the front desk, there will likely be a bottle of hand sanitizer for you to use. It is a good idea to use this hand sanitizer not only when you walk into the office but also when you are leaving. Use the hand sanitizer on your hands first, and then carefully help your child to rub the sanitizer on their hands. Taking a couple of seconds to do this can make all of the difference in the world when it comes to what germs are on your hands when you leave the children's clinic.  

Avoid The Toys

As tempting as it may be for your child to run over and play with the toys that the children's clinic provides, it is best to avoid them. They likely have germs on them from other sick children playing with them and they make great breeding ground for bacteria. Instead of having your child play with the toys within the clinic, have them entertain themselves in other ways. Tell them to watch the fun movie that they have playing in the waiting area, show them the fish or other cool features in the waiting area, allow them to play a game on your phone or tablet, or any other ideas you have that involve less germs. 

