Keep Your Skin Clear o Adult Acne With These 3 Tips

Jaime Allen

If you are not a teenager anymore, you might think that your days of breaking out in pimples are gone. However you might have recently noticed that bumps are erupting on your face. Luckily, there are steps you can take to clear your face again. Here are some ways you can keep your skin as clear as possible.

Reduce Stress in Your Life

You may not think of your emotional state at all when you see physical signs of adult acne, but the truth is that stress can be a surprising reason for the way your skin looks. While the exact mechanism through which stress affects sebum production is not fully understood, stress can seem to cause an acne flare in some people. The so-called "stress" hormones that are excreted by your body when you're under stress may increase overall systemic inflammation which causes your skin to erupt.

To help discourage these acne flares, it is a smart idea to work at reducing the stress in your life whenever you can. You might consider learning deep breathing exercises, scaling back your work load, or taking up a new relaxing hobby such as yoga.

Clean Up Your Diet

The next thing you need to do when trying to prevent and get rid of adult acne is to assess your diet. Sugar, caffeine and other things you are likely consuming can wreak havoc on your skin.

Coffee in particular might be a problem; if you are like many adults who start their day with a hot cup of java, you may not realize that the caffeine in coffee could worsen your acne. Coffee typically exaggerates stress response and encourages insulin resistance, a situation where your body is not as sensitive to insulin. When that happens, your body releases more insulin, and as a result there could be more sebum (oil) production. Make an attempt to cut down on the amount of coffee you drink on a day to day basis in order to help your face avoid breakouts.

Change Your Pillowcase Frequently

If you use a pillow to rest your head on everyday, sweat, oils from your hair and other gunk can collect on the pillow case you use. Laying your freshly-washed face on that kind of surface can contribute to fresh acne that you have to deal with. Be sure to change your pillowcase often; you can even change it every day if you wish.

Use the tips laid out above to be confident you are taking the steps necessary to keep your face clear. Consult a dermatologist like Scott Callahan MD to get more ideas about how you can stop adult acne from appearing.

