Emotional Planning For IVF As A Single Parent

Jaime Allen

Becoming a single parent by choice means that you must do the physical and emotional family planning preparations for two people on your own. While most in vitro fertilization, or IVF, candidates are couples, some single mothers choose IVF as the best option for a natural child. If you are single, you already know the financial and time implications that will come with going through pregnancy and child rearing without a partner. Another aspect that you should plan for during your IVF cycle and beyond is emotional support.

Get the blessing of extended family

If you are close to your family, announcing your plans to your family members may mean a few raised eyebrows. Prior to going through IVF, explain what the process is and why you have chosen it as the option for your life. The important idea to convey is that you are looking for the support and help of your friends and family to be your child's family. Loving friends and family members will rally together to aid you throughout the process.

Join clubs

There are thousands of women who choose to go through IVF each year. There are also women, through divorce, breakups, or adoption who will also be single mothers at the same time as you. Join up with other women who are going through the first stages of pregnancy and child rearing. Sticking with moms in a similar circumstance can help to give you real time support from those who know exactly what the process is like. By having a support group who have made similar choices, you can receive the emotional help that you need through each stage of development for you and your baby.

Consider therapy and coaching

While you may be in good spirits, it is not uncommon for a newly-minted pregnant woman to become anxious, panicked, or have a host of other emotional reactions. Having a therapist to talk to through the process will help you work through both your conscious and subconscious feelings. If you plan to make major changes to your life path and your career when you go through IVF, also consider a life coach. Life coaches can help you figure out your future by aiding you in making specific choices today. A therapist to talk over budding issues and a life coach to help order your steps will keep you calm and collected as you anxiously await the arrival of your little one.

