4 Common Reasons For Painful Urination

Jaime Allen

Pain while urinating is not normal under any circumstances. If you feel any discomfort when you release your bladder, you should not just ignore the issue. It is very important to have a doctor determine the cause of painful urination as soon as possible. Here are four common reasons for painful urination that you should know about:

Urinary Tract Infection

Whether it is due to not drinking enough liquids or wearing tight pants, a urinary tract infection can cause a burning sensation while urinating. According to the Mayo Clinic, this infection mostly affects the lower urinary tract, bladder and urethra and is more common in women than men. If this infection is not treated the right way, sepsis, recurrent infections and even permanent kidney damage can occur. If you have a urinary tract infection, your doctor will mostly likely give you antibiotics to clear it up. If the infection is more serious, the doctor may administer antibiotics through your veins in a hospital.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

If you contracted a sexually transmitted disease (STD), you will likely experience pain during urination. According to Healthline, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and gonorrhea are STDs that can lead to painful urination. Other symptoms of STDs include vaginal itching, pain during sex, discharge from the vagina or penis and bumps near the genitals. If you suspect you have an STD, you should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. The sooner you are treated, the less risk for serious complications.

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones develop in the kidneys and are more common in people who eat a high protein diet, have a family history of the condition and do not drink enough water. One of the most common symptoms of kidney stones is painful urination. Because kidney stones can cause severe pain in your side and back, it is essential to see a medical professional right away. A doctor will probably give you medication to help pass the stone.

Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are pretty common among women and can lead to painful urination, vaginal discharge and itchiness. Certain factors can increase your chances of developing this infection including a weak immune system, sexual activity and antibiotic use. If the infection is mild, a doctor will most likely prescribe you an oral or topical medication.

Whether painful urination is due to an STD or yeast infection, it should be addressed as soon as possible. For more information, contact Dr. Matthew Bui or a similar medical professional.

