Need Relief For Back Pain? Visit The Chiropractor And Address Your Stress

Jaime Allen

Having acute or chronic back pain can make you feel miserable, but scheduling a chiropractic adjustment with someone like Dr. Paul Lyons can spell the beginning of the end of your discomfort. Although a series of treatments are typically enough to reduce or completely eliminate your back pain, it's possible for your pain to return if you aren't vigilant about making the necessary lifestyle changes to complement your professional care. Stress and anxiety, in particular, play a pivotal role in back pain. When you're stressed, your muscles tighten, your posture can change and you might find yourself avoiding the regular exercise that keeps your back pain under control. Whether you're done with your chiropractic treatment plan or are between sessions, it's possible to reduce your stress in several ways.

At Work

The American Institute of Stress reports that work-related stress is the most common form of stress. Reducing your stress on the job depends on several variables, but you can often improve your situation by arranging a meeting with your supervisor and a human resources representative. In this safe setting, explain the reasons for your stress and develop some positive solutions. For example, you might wish to be reassigned to a different project if you're having trouble with a colleague, you may ask to have some changes made to your job description or workload or you could suggest adjusting your working hours.

At Home

Family-related stress can also be prevalent enough to lead to back pain. Think of what stresses you around the home and take action to limit it. If you're fighting with your spouse, consider seeing a therapist to work on your differences or read some relationship books together. Spending quality time with your entire family or with your children individually can improve the family dynamic and reduce stress. Even decluttering your home can play a valuable role in your battle against stress.

In General

Regardless of your setting, it's ideal to be able to develop anti-stress techniques that you can employ. Consider taking a yoga class to allow deeper relaxation or download some mediation MP3s and listen to them to unwind in the evening after work. If you believe your stress is primarily due to your hectic schedule, make it a priority to spend at least one day of the weekend relaxing or doing something enjoyable such as reading a book on the deck or inviting some friends for a low-key, pot-luck barbecue. Reacquainting yourself with an old hobby or discovering a new one can also improve your mood.

