4 Little Known Facts About Midwife Birthing Centers

Jaime Allen

When it comes to choosing the location in which you would like to give birth to your child, it can be difficult. There are many options, such as your own home, a birthing center that is made to be a comfortable setting, and a hospital. Many women may be concerned about other options other than the hospital because hospital births are considered the norm and it can be harder to find information about other birthing options. Here are four little known facts about midwife birthing centers that can help you better determine which setting is better for you to give birth in:

  1. Transfers to the Hospital Are Rare: One common concern about giving birth in a birthing center rather than a hospital is the thought of having to be transferred to the hospital in the middle of labor. However, this is a really rare situation. Only 12% of birthing center moms are transmitted to the hospital. 
  2. C-Section Rates Are Low: Another common concern is the idea of having to go through a c-section outside of the hospital. However, the chance of having to have a c-section in a birthing center is really low, whereas it is actually higher in the hospitals. This is because, after a certain amount of time being in labor, the doctors will want to encourage a c-section in order to admit more patients at a faster rate. The sooner you go home, the sooner they can get more people in. In a birthing center, you will only be given a c-section in an emergency. 
  3. Infant Mortality Rates Are the Same:  Hospital births compared to giving births in birthing centers have an infant mortality rate that is the same as the national average. This means that you shouldn't be concerned about your newborn's life whether giving birth in a hospital or a birthing center. 
  4. Costs are Lower: The costs of giving birth in a birthing center are much lower than giving birth in a hospital. You just want to be sure that your insurance will help cover the costs of giving birth in this environment. The reason it is lower is that there are not as many people on staff at a birthing center that have to be paid and there is not as much expensive medical equipment. Plus, you don't get to spend the night in a birthing center so you don't have to pay for the cost of taking up space for a long period of time like you would in the hospital.

When considering your birthing options, it is important that you look over all the pros and cons of each setting. These facts listed above can help you to better understand some of the benefits of birthing centers that can ultimately help you make the right choice. Contact a company like Women's Healthcare Associates LLC for more information.

