Considering Weight Loss Surgery? Here's How To Tell If You're A Good Match

Jaime Allen

If you are very overweight and just can't lose weight and keep it off, then gastric bypass surgery could be the solution for you. However, weight loss surgery, like any other major surgery, is something to be taken seriously. Your doctor has to decide if you're a good candidate for the procedure based on whether the benefits you would get outweigh the risks of the surgery. Here are a few guidelines to help you determine if gastric bypass is right for you.

Body Mass Index

Body mass index, or BMI, is a measurement of how much body fat you have based on your height and weight. Generally, you need a BMI of 40 or more to qualify for weight loss surgery. You might also qualify if you have a BMI of 35 along with health issues caused by being overweight, such as diabetes or sleep apnea. If you have a BMI of 40, you would be classified as morbidly obese and need to lose a lot of weight to get back in the healthy range.

Dieting History

Your dietary history is also taken into account. Your doctor will want to know if you've tried losing weight in the past. If you've been on multiple diets and have had no luck losing weight, or if you lose it and gain it back, then weight loss surgery might be what you need to help your weight loss efforts. If you've never tried very hard to lose weight, it will be more difficult to know whether surgery will help. That's because you have to change your eating habits after you have surgery. If you're unable to do so, you may not get the results you want. Your doctor may even require that you go on a diet before your surgery and lose a certain amount of weight to prove you have the ability to follow a diet and change your way of eating.

Physical Health

If you're very overweight, you probably have some health complications due to your obesity. While losing weight may help clear up some of these conditions, they can increase the risks associated with having the surgery. Therefore, your health conditions must be considered to determine if you're a good match for the surgery. If your blood sugar is out of control or you have serious liver or heart issues, you may need to work with your doctor first to stabilize your health problems, so you can better tolerate the surgery.

Emotional Health

If your obesity is a result of emotional or mental problems, your doctor may require you to undergo counseling before he or she proceeds with the surgery. If you don't eliminate the reason you overeat, then having surgery won't be much help. In addition, your doctor needs to determine if you are a good match psychologically for the surgery. While a gastric bypass makes it easier to lose weight, you'll still have a long, hard battle ahead of you. Your doctor needs to be assured you're up to the task before subjecting you to the risks of surgery.

Financial Ability

Gastric bypass surgery is often covered by insurance, but you'll probably have to qualify for the surgery first. The requirements you need to fulfill vary among insurance carriers. Therefore, one of the first things you should do when considering surgery is to determine how you will pay for it. If you won't get help from your insurance, you may need to use your savings or take out a medical loan. Weight loss surgery isn't usually done on an emergency basis. It's a process you have to go through to allow time to prepare both physically and mentally. Fortunately, this also allows you time to prepare financially if you have to pay for the procedure out of pocket.

Once you and your doctor have determined you're a good candidate for a gastric bypass, you're ready to begin the process of gaining back your health. Losing weight is never easy, but weight loss surgery by experts like Iqbal Nauveed MD FACS might give you the boost you need to finally be successful at it.

