How To Make Custom Whitening Trays At Home

Jaime Allen

Nobody wants yellow teeth, but the cost to have them professionally whitened isn't in everyone's budget. Even those whitening strips can cost a small fortune, especially for those who are budget conscious. You can buy all of the materials below at your local grocery store or pharmacy and have a brighter, whiter smile, without spending an arm and a leg. See below on how to whiten your teeth using custom trays like a professional.

The materials you'll need:

  • Whitening gel
  • Football mouth guard
  • Bowl or mug
  • Floss, toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Spoon

Directions to make the mouth guard:

  1. Boil water in the microwave in a mug or bowl.
  2. Using a spoon, hold the football mouth guard under the boiling water for 15–20 seconds.
  3. Place the guard in your mouth and press firmly against all of your teeth. Repeat this for your upper and lower guard.
  4. Allow the guard to cool and you have a mouth guard that is custom made for your teeth.

How to whiten your teeth using your mouth guards:

Use your custom mouth guard to help you whiten your teeth. Brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste and floss your teeth as well. Use the paint on whitening gel inside your mouth guard, rather than painting it on your teeth. The mouth guard will help the teeth whitener stay on your teeth, rather than wearing off on your lips or getting on your gums, which can cause sensitivity.

Follow the directions on the whitening gel packaging to see how long to keep it on your teeth and only use it as directed. Allowing the gel to stay on too long can cause sensitivity as well. If you have any issues caused by the whitening gel you use, discontinue it's use and be sure to consult a dentist like Joe Rosenberg, DDS.

How to prevent future stains:

Now that you have a whiter smile, how do you prevent future stains?

  • Avoid drinks like coffee, tea, red wine and soda. If you can't give these drinks up, try drinking through a straw to help bypass your teeth or only drink them sparingly. You can also drink water after drinking these stain causing beverages to help rinse your teeth off.
  • Stop smoking. If you smoke, stop. The nicotine and tar in your cigarettes is staining your teeth with those yellow and brown stains.
  • Brush twice daily. Brushing more often will help prevent stains as well. Brush at least twice per day for two minutes each time.
  • Get routine cleanings. Routine dental cleanings and checkups with your dentist will help. Having your teeth professionally cleaned by your dentist to get rid of tartar buildup will make those pearly whites shine.

Be sure to always consult your dentist prior to starting any dental whitening treatment. Getting a brighter, whiter smile is within your reach.

