Pain In Your Lower Back? See If One Of These Solutions Helps

Jaime Allen

It might surprise you to know that just about everyone in the US has suffered from pain in their back at some point in time or another. For some, the pain is the result of not sleeping on the right mattress. Others were involved in a car accident that left them out of alignment. Regardless of what the situation might be, dealing with a dull ache in your lower back can be downright annoying. If you are tired of not being able to move and want answers to your problem, consider one of these solutions to get you back up and moving again.

Grab a Heating Pad

When your back pain is the result of sleeping on a mattress that is too firm, too soft or just downright uncomfortable, a heating pad can often do the trick for you. By placing the heating pad on the affected area for 20 minutes out of the hour, you can begin to loosen up the stiff muscles and joints that are causing the pain. The heat helps to relax your body and allow you to move. Continue applying the heat a few times throughout the day to promote the blood flow and relaxation of your muscles.

Aspirin Might Help Ease the Pain

While many people associate aspirin with a headache, it can do much more for you. Aspirin is great for helping you to deal with a dull ache in your back. For those who simply pulled it when lifting something, an aspirin can help to kick the pain for you. Take a couple aspirin and see how much better you feel.

Schedule a Visit to the Chiropractor

When you are dealing with severe back pain from an accident or injury, you need to make an appointment with a chiropractor like Dr. Brian C. Gibson Chiropractic. This medical professional can examine your lower back and see what's going on with it. If they find that your spinal column is out of alignment, they can begin correcting it with regular visits. Until you allow them to examine you, there is no way to know what you are going to need done to fix the problem.

Depending on the severity of your back pain, you might need to start off by visiting the chiropractor and seeing what they recommend. Between appointments, you can always use aspirin and a heating pad to help further your recovery and get your back where it should be in no time.

