When You're Tired Of Trimming The Bushes: Common Misconceptions Of Laser Hair Removal

Jaime Allen

Laser hair removal is a growing industry in the United States. With advertisements touting "hair-free underams, legs, and bikini lines" on every channel, it is easily to assume that laser hair removal is just a fad. However, after debunking some common misconceptions about laser hair removal, you may find that it is something you are definitely interested in.

"Laser hair removal could make your legs grow more hair"

The laser treatment of hair cannot cause your body to grow more hair. This would require the laser to create hair follicles in your skin and that is not possible (but, if possible, could be very beneficial to bald men). Consequently, there is no need to fear that your hair situation will get worse, only better.

"Lasers can damage your skin and even cause cancer"

While being conscious of skin health is always important, many people don't understand that the type of laser used for hair removal does not use radiation. The laser used, called the Alexandrite Laser, uses long wavelength waves that target your hair follicles. They do not target skin cells nor have the power to affect DNA in your cells. Therefore, laser hair removal is a very safe way to diminish and eventually eliminate unwanted hair.

"Laser hair removal can have horrible side effects"

While there is always a possibility of side-effects with any type of laser surgery, when it comes to laser hair removal, they are very rare. However, finding a qualified professional is very important. There are many mall kiosks that offer laser hair removal. These kiosks are not always regulated and can possibly lack the equipment and credentials you should look for when investigating laser hair removal. Because laser hair removal education varies from state-to-state the Federation of State Medical Boards has created a summary of the credentials required in each state. With a proper technician's care, your laser hair removal experience can be safe and have a significantly less chance of side-affects.

"Laser hair removal is an experimental procedure"

Laser hair removal has been tested extensively and would not be allowed to the public if it didn't pass all requirements. There have been steps taken to improve its safety and laser technology has advanced, but laser hair removal is in not experimental.

"Only certain skin-types can handle laser hair removal"

In the past, you were only able to get laser hair removal if you had a light pigment of skin and dark hair. However, with advanced laser technology there are different lasers that can be used on darker skin tones. Make sure your treatment plan is specific to your skin type and you should have a positive experience.

With these common misconceptions debunked, you now have the information you need to consider your very own laser hair removal treatment. 

